Enabled by Generative AI technology

Our proprietary technology harnesses the power of generative AI to make the creation of synthetic videos as effortless as writing text.
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How it works

Cutting-edge Generative AI Technology

Our proprietary generative AI technology utilizes deep learning models to create a mapping between voice and videos. The system comprises multiple variations of CNNs in conventional CNN structures and as generators and discriminators.

Rephrase Generative AI technology
Rephrase Generative AI technology

Facial Landmark Mapping

In GNS, we break down input video into frames, identify facial landmarks, and learn the position and color of every triangle. Within this mesh, we then reduce the number of dimensions in the final appendant data to create a representation of the face.

Audio Cloning to Video Creation

We break down the audio into its fundamental components and extract a representation of it. Then we train a network using this audio representation to generate a lip-synced video.

Our AI technology first creates a generic human speech and lip movement, then using discrimination, another machine learning model is trained to generate the most visually accurate and high-resolution lip movements. At last, we auto-fill the rest of the body.

Rephrase Generative AI technology